Hatch Chile Season

Only here for a LIMITED TIME

Where to use!

Easy to Prepare

Char these on the grill, slice up and add to your burgers or sandwiches. Mix into sauces, salads, burritos or enchiladas. You can easily swap out a bell pepper with a hatch chile in your favourite recipe. They’re that mild!

Hatch Chiles

Hatch, New Mexico is called the chile capital of the world for a reason. The rich soil and mountainous temperatures are what gives these chiles their unique buttery, smoky taste.

Think of Hatch chiles as the champagne of the chile world.

It’s just a little bit of heat!

It’s BACK!

A Seasonal Favourite!

Roasted Garlic & Hatch Chile Sourdough

If you haven’t tried this sourdough bread yet, what’s stopping you?! Chunks of delicious garlic, hatch chiles, and cheddar cheese it’s a seasonal favourite that is only here for a limited time once a year!

More in-store Favourites


Easy to Prepare

Take this limited time pizza home to enjoy. It’s easy! Pop into the oven at your convenience to enjoy it fresh and hot.